Computer programming has come a long way since its infancy, it has matured and branched out into different languages. In the early days, coding was associated with geniuses or math whizzes, and nowadays most people still assume it’s the same. However, the fact is that anyone can do it and there are several advantages of learning programming or coding.  In this blog post, we will explore why it’s useful to learn some form of coding and how it can help you in various domains.

Here are the benefits of learning to code:

Coding helps to improve logical thinking and problem-solving skills

In movies coding is mostly people rapidly typing away on a keyboard, explaining complicated terms and doing something illegal. In reality, coding involves more logical thinking than inputting complex commands.

A computer programmer/coder first needs to understand the problem and then break it down into smaller bits. Each line of a program performs a function, so the coder needs to think logically and plan every line of code before they even start programming.

As a result of coding, you develop a habit of breaking down complicated tasks into smaller, bite-sized components and resolving them. At first, coding can seem daunting, and you might feel overwhelmed by a seemingly unsolvable puzzle, and then you will realize that you have to drill down into the heart of the matter in smaller steps.

When coding, you might even find that what people are considering a problem, is not the real issue, allowing you to look beyond those symptoms and focus on the bigger picture. As a result, you are more likely to come up with creative and effective solutions.

You can expand your skillset

If you learn how to code, you will gain a valuable skill that can help you in your career. It can help you understand certain aspects of technology more easily than your non-coding colleagues, making you more valuable as an employee.

Coding can be very useful in a variety of professions nowadays, even though at first they don’t seem to have too much in common with IT or software programming. You can be a copywriter who knows HTML, CSS and Javascript, or a photographer who can build their own portfolio and website.

Or imagine being an accountant who can put together a mobile app or create a subroutine to automate your work. Whether directly or indirectly,, learning how to code can be beneficial to you in your professional life.

Enhance your Resume

We live in a digital world where technology is forever growing meaning that there are several professions where knowledge of coding could make you a better prospect than a non-coder with the same qualifications.

For example, most small companies would prefer a person who can take on more than one role or at least assist colleagues when needed. If you can be that person, you are more likely to be employed by that small company.

Create more streams of income

With proficient levels of coding literacy, you could supplement you income with some freelance work. These can be a good way to generate additional funds during your free time.

Additionally, in times when jobs in your own field may be scarce, you can look for positions that require a knowledge in coding. This gives you a larger pool of opportunities.

It can help you work better with IT teams

While there is a possibility that learning to code could supplement your professional skills, it is equally likely that it can improve your day to day job as well. This means that if you’re a project manager at your company coding literacy can help you understand the problem better. Once you understand technology problems you can communicate them better. This means you spend less time trying to make IT teams understand your problem as you can speak their language.


Learning how to code has several benefits, that can help you make progress on a personal and professional level. It can help enhance your professional life and help streamline your work, it can also end up being a fun pastime that allows you to see and interact with the world differently.